Email Peek
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This is a sneak peek at the new layout for the web based email client. I plan on writing (or acquiring if I can find an open source one) a POP3 proxy using a POP3 client and server built into the WebGate Agent as a module.

This will allow the agent to internally grab emails for accounts entered by the user. All emails will be scanned for spam on arrival based on a Bayesian Classifier and placed into a single user mailbox. Spam will be delivered to an alternate spam account.

This will allow you, through the web client, to mark messages as spam and to clear valid ones from the spam account. Once validated, you can point any valid POP3 client (like Microsoft Outlook) to your WebGate machine and pull down filtered emails.

These screenshots are non-working prototyes of the screens to try to work out a consistent, intuitive and user-friendly email web client.

All information on this website related to WebGate is copyright © 2004 Brent Johnson.